There are many different reasons that families contact DRBC for the surrender of their doxie. We understand. Perhaps your reason is financial or there has been a change in your family setting, perhaps the death of a loved one has led to the need for relinquishment. No matter, DRBC does not judge.
Please read through ALL of the sections shown below so that we may better assist you in the relinquishment of your dachshund to DRBC.
DRBC is staffed by volunteers. We work as quickly as we can to help you. We need you to work with us to prevent lags in the process. Accurate phone numbers, responses to our messages, and a little flexibility will make this process easier. Remember, we all have the same goal in mind, the long-term happiness, and well-being of your doxie.
Act Early
Each year we are contacted by people that think we are just waiting for them to turn in a dog to us; not true. We frequently maintain a waiting list. Moving? Call us well in advance of the move. We need time to plan as well.
Avoid Internet Lists
Craigslist and Freecycle are great places to exchange junk. Your animal is not a thing but is a being. Treat it as such.
DRBC is proud to work with many of the area shelters to save the lives of these precious dogs. Because of their poor reaction when placed in shelters and because of the risk of euthanasia, DRBC gives priority to shelter animals. Please do not think that this means that the turn-in of your doxie will lead to placement with any rescue group; it may not. This information is provided to you to help you understand why we ask for your honesty and flexibility on the relinquishment of your dog to us.
Medical Records
DRBC understands that it may have been some time since your animal has seen a veterinarian. We still need the records. We do not want to over-vaccinate and we need to be aware of any medical issues as our foster system is designed to accommodate doxies based on medical need. Every dog should receive the following:
- Rabies [Every 3 years after the first year]
- DAP2iL or DHLPP – Yes, DRBC believes in Lepto prevention. [Annual]
- Bordatella or Kennel Cough Vaccination [Annual]
- Heartworm Test and Preventative Care [Test Annual; Treatment, monthly]
Your veterinarian will be able to provide you with a certificate for all these vaccinations. The certificate is free. Do not be concerned if your doxie is not current on vaccinations or veterinary care, just tell us and we will make sure that these issues are addressed before your doxie enters our foster system. While getting the certificate, ask for a copy of all medical records. It may not seem important, but it is to us.
One last thing. Your medical records stay sealed with DRBC. Although medical information is released concerning the history of your doxie, your identity and the identity of your veterinary office[s] remains confidential. So please, help us help them by providing complete medical records prior to the relinquishment. Thank you.
Oddly, many people feel as though they need not donate to the rescue on turn-in. DRBC has no secret source of funding, no magic monies, yet will need to support your doxie during their stay with us. They will receive medical care, food, and more, so please think about an appropriate gift for the group that is stepping in to help. DRBC is a 501[c][3] organization and that donation is tax-deductible. Remember, while not required, your gift is greatly appreciated.