IVDD Spine/Disc Center

Welcome to the DRBC IVDD Center

This section of DRBC’s medical reference guide has been revised. The toolbar at the left will stay as a fixed reference as you move through this section of our website. There is a tremendous amount of information here. Please take your time!

This page has been designed as a tool to educate and to help you find solutions to your IVDD issues, so please scroll down the page to familiarize yourself with the information here. As it can be a little overwhelming, it has been divided into ‘mind-sized bites’.

IVDD Factoids

Here are some important factoids concerning IVDD and the long hound breeds, specifically the dachshund.

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease or IVDD will affect one in four dachshunds.
  • This disease knows no age limits but is most common in dogs between the ages of 3 to 9 years of age.
  • IVDD need not be a death sentence; there are options.
  • Improvements in veterinary medicine and pharmacology make IVDD treatments [surgical, medical or alternative] safer every year.

It is hoped that the information found here will educate you on this disease and make discussions with your veterinarian and veterinary surgeon easier.


There are 12 sections on IVDD including this home page. A brief description of each follows:

This is Greta, a very special IVDD doxie.

Greta is walking with a little help these days thanks to a committed and supportive Mom.

Additional Notes:

  • There are no ‘over-the-counter’ fixes for IVDD. Please consult a qualified veterinarian before using any medications or OTC products with your dachshund.
  • The information offered herein is for informational and educational and purposes only. Seek the timely care of a licensed veterinarian or veterinary surgeon if you believe your dog is exhibiting any of the signs or symptoms of IVDD. This website does not seek to diagnose or treat IVDD.