Signs & Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms of IVDD

The symptoms listed below are all cause for concern.

Some, such as a dragging limb and the inability to move the head or limbs, are reason to crate your dog and move immediately to a qualified veterinary surgical center; but any animal exhibiting the symptoms listed should be seen as soon as possible. Early crating and veterinary intervention can make the difference between a dog that regains the ability to walk and one which does not.

Let us say it again, do not wait; crate and seek competent veterinary care. Immobilization and veterinary intervention are key in the recovery of an IVDD dog.

  • Neck sensitivity
  • An inability to shake neck and/or ears
  • An inability to reach an ear to scratch
  • Dragging a limb
  • Inability to move one or both rear legs
  • A crossing of one or both back legs while walking
  • Stiffness or difficulty climbing stairs
Generalized Complaints
  • Pain when moving or attempting to move
  • Difficulty with walking and jumping
  • Slower movement
  • Reluctance to move
  • Crying or shaking due to pain
  • Very tense abdomen
Rear Body Complaints
  • Difficulty urinating or defecating
  • Tail cannot wag
  • Hunched back due to muscle tension
  • Loss of bladder and bowel control
  • Painful urination

Watch This!

The video shown below illustrates recovery; however, it is a great demonstration of the wobbly legs that often occur as a dachshund loses nerve sensation due to disc rupture.

Additional Notes:

  • There are no ‘over-the-counter’ fixes for IVDD. Please consult a qualified veterinarian before using any medications or OTC products on your dachshund.
  • The information offered herein is for informational and educational and purposes only. Seek the timely care of a licensed veterinarian or veterinary surgeon if you believe your dog is exhibiting any of the signs or symptoms of IVDD. This website does not seek to diagnose or treat IVDD.