DRBC has designed this website to help you reach us in many different ways and to provide you with as much information as we possibly can, but there is a good chance we may have missed something as we developed the site. Listed below are a few of our most asked questions and their corresponding answers:

Where are you located? Can I stop in and visit your shelter?

Dachshund Rescue of Bucks County is located in the Yardley-Morrisville-Langhorne PA area. While we are convenient to both NJ and Pa there is no physical structure…yet. All the work we do is conducted in private homes by volunteers. Visiting us is by invitation and appointment only!

I looked on PetFinder and didn't fall in love with anyone described. Now what?

Please complete the application. There is an online application or a hard copy can be downloaded from the Document Center. Read the application carefully. DRBC reminds all applicants that a picture on a web page is not a relationship that is based on personality. Our rescue is not a mail-order house. We want this relationship to last for you and your new addition!

Our family is so excited. We completed the form and emailed it right back! What is taking so long?

A few things to remember:

  • Everyone that works with DRBC does so on a volunteer basis.
  • We address applications as quickly as we can.
  • The best way to get a faster response is to print the form out and send the hard copy with the application fee.
  • Be patient! A few days of waiting will quickly be forgotten in the scheme of things once the process begins.

We recently came for a meet and greet and did not receive a doxie? WHY? What happened?

Not all applicants receive a doxie. Sometimes, it is the personality of dogs available and sometimes the interview takes us to a screen outstep. DRBC functions for the love of our breed. The dog will pick you and we stand by that matching policy. No, there is no refund for the application fee.

We would like a doxie for our young family. We called and were told you do not adopt to families with children under 5 years of age. That is ridiculous! I grew up with a dachshund and want my kids to have the same experience. I see no problem, what is the issue?

You are probably a wonderful family. However, many of the young doxies we rescue have been turned in from families that are not as terrific as yours. The children in those families teased the doxie, they pulled its ears and tail, they may have carried it around like a stuffed animal, and then dropped it when they lost interest. While the intent is far from malicious on the part of the child, the action is still called abuse. As a rescue, we place the need of the dog above all else and protect their rights to never experience that type of situation again and we take no risks. In the long run, we are not only protecting the doxie, but your child as doxies won’t tolerate disrespect and respond with their own form of control called biting!

Always remember, doxies are good with children if the children are good with them. This is true of adults as well. Call us in a few years, we will, unfortunately still be here.

Why do you need to talk to my veterinarian? Is it a problem if my current doxie is not spayed/neutered or up to date with vaccinations?

Good, consistent medical care is important to any rescue placement. Your veterinarian will act as an important reference for you and will let us know that your past or current pets have always received proper medical treatment.

We have a concern about the lack of current vaccinations, heartworm treatment, or the absence of a spay or neuter. Good breeders never turn to rescue to obtain a dog for mating. The goal of all rescues is the reduction in the number of unwanted animals and beyond this, there are the overall health risks associated with the absence of spay/neuter and proper vaccination and heartworm preventative programs. DRBC reserves the right to deny an application based on current or previous veterinary records.

I recently sent a donation to the address on the old webpage and it was returned. What is going on?

The economy has affected everyone, including DRBC. Our box was too expensive and we had to let it go. We are sorry that you were inconvenienced and we still desperately need your support. Please try our new PayPal link or resend the donation to us at the address listed at the bottom of the page.

I want to volunteer! I am not sure I can foster, but I want to help. What should I do?

Contact us! DRBC is always looking for help with fundraisers, ASPCA interactions, dog walking, and community outreach folks! We are also looking for foster homes!!!

Do you offer a discount on placement fees? We are special.

We are special too. Like all rescues, we are so special we do not get free veterinary care, free food, free medication, or almost anything else for free. Our fees for placement go directly to medical care to rehabilitate the dogs we place. 85% of the time, DRBC will lose money with each placement. If not for our fundraising efforts we would not be here supporting our breed. Bottom line: If you cannot afford our fee, you cannot support a doxie and its needs across the life of the animal.

We want a puppy! Where can I find that list?

DRBC rarely gets puppies. We will never list them when we do. Please complete the application and indicate your interest in younger doxies, but remember, puppies are a tremendous amount of work, and DRBC screens extra hard to place the few puppies we rescue each year.

My loved one is having a birthday or other special event soon. I want to surprise them with a doxie as a gift! How can we secretly arrange for this to happen?

Well, we can’t, and we won’t. DRBC does not support the giving of life as a gift. Ask yourself this question: Would I give that loved one away from a gift to a neighbor or friend? This is why the loved one must go through the process. Give the gift of our application!

I need to find a home for my pet turtle, cat, and fish? Can your group help?

DRBC is always amazed by the non-doxie turn-in requests we receive. We would love to help every animal in need, but the truth is we just do dachshunds, hence the name, Dachshund Rescue of Bucks County! There are groups out there that can help. Contact PetFinder or click on the link below to find a group near you.

Good luck!! This information also works for the adoption of animals that are not dachshunds.

I heard about your sanctuary program and would like to sponsor one of these special doxies. How does that work?

Thank you in advance for your support. Please go to the Support page or to GrandPaws and link to this special program.

Your rescues are all alike. None of you were there when I called about my turn-in. You don't care.

Well, you are half right. We are all alike in that we are all staffed by volunteers. Many of us work full-time jobs with extended hours and have families to support along with our rescue efforts. The bluebird of immediate gratification does not live at any rescue we know. That said, every rescue group cares deeply about our rescue efforts and will get back to you as quickly as we can.

I know your pages say you only adopt to homes in the DE/NJ/NY/PA area. I am willing to drive and/or fly to meet the dog I saw listed. I am a good home, really I am. Can you bend the rule for me?

Well, no, we can’t. And we won’t. DRBC thinks global, bringing the best in medical assets and behavior training to the animals in our reach, but acts locally in our placement policies. There are SO MANY animals in need. Would it not be better for you to help one closer to home? Contact us and we can point you to a group near you.

You didn't answer my question. Now, what do I do?

No problem. Go to the Contact page or use the email address listed at the bottom of this page and send us your question. We will get back to you as soon as we can.