House That Love Built


Cora's House

Each year, DACHSHUND RESCUE OF BUCKS COUNTY & NJ (DRBC) participates in the rescue, rehabilitation, and placement of approximately 500 dachshunds and the number continues to increase annually. Of this number, approximately 8-10% are senior citizens (greater than 11 years) or special needs (paraplegics, chronic kidney failure doxies, the blind, etc.).

DRBC sees the elderly, the injured and ill, the neglected, and the outright abused. Our group tries to give these unfortunate souls an extra special chance to find an extraordinary home that, understanding their plight, will somehow try to make it up to them by offering a new and especially loving life. This is why we need to build Cora's House.

The House That Love Built

Imagine a home where heated floors soothed your aching and arthritic bones as you and your best friend lay on a wonderfully soft cushion under a really great sunbeam and watched the world go by… for hours.

Imagine that someone bothered to cook a special meal that catered to the needs of your changing and aging body every night just because you're you.

Imagine long sunny days with a clear shade tree to sleep under and a glistening stream to drink from any time you wanted.


Imagine a place where the UPS man, the FedEx guy, and the mailman were suddenly all your buddies.

Imagine a world where doctors still made house calls; illnesses didn't seem to be the end of the world, and that when you felt even a little sick somebody took care of it right away, because the medical staff was right there.

Imagine that you were very old and every day started with a hug and a kiss from someone that made you feel just so very special; then imagine it ending that same way.

Guess what? You can stop imagining. This very special house really will be built... with your help.
